Friday, February 9, 2007

Ms. Kruels Blog
This teacher uses this blog to post things that her students write. The students write some paragraphs about what they are learning in class and she posts them on the blog. She also uses this blog for many other things. She posts the 4k newsletter has reminders for her students and also has a post that has websites that kids can go to. Just check out the archives page and links to see the many ways she uses her blog.

Honors Blog for 9th Grade

This blog is done by a language arts teacher. She uses it for her 9th grade honors class. It is basically for thoughts, comments, observations, and questions that students may have regarding the discussions and readings in the class. She also uses it for some instuction on homework and other projects. As you can see by clicking the link, The post on the 9th of february (today) concerns a poem the students must write using metaphors. The students must use this a lot because if you look at the post there seems to be a lot of comments and questions from students. I think this blog is a good exapmle of communication to students through blogging.

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