Friday, February 2, 2007

My blogging experience so far

So after three or four weeks of blogging for the first time i must say that it has caught my interest. I have enjoyed it so far and look forward to it the rest of this semester. I especially enjoy checking other the blogs of other people to see what they have to say. I check mine almost everyday to see if anyone has left any comments of some sort. You basically can say whtever you want on these blogs and people can read it whether it be about you in gerneral or about a certain subject that interests you. I have thouroughly enjoyed it so far. I can see where blogging for school could be helpful in many ways. If i had to have a blog for school i would defiantely use it to inform students of certain subjects that we could be talking about in class or use it to answer questions that some students may have while we are not in the classroom. You can think of many different things to communicate to your class by using blogs. Maybe a schedule of the week or year, list of books that may need to be read, things such as that. The only real problem that i could see with blogging is that all students will not have internet or computer access outside of school and the classroom. I am in college and i dont even have internet access at my home. I love the idea of blogging for class and school. I could definately be usin it in the future.

1 comment:

Megan Meeks said...

Great job on your presentation! You made me laugh! Sorry wasn't in class on thursday to kick ya! Did I miss anything? I have my idea for the brochure and stuff any thing else? What is our subject for the blogs for this week? Last week we were just suppose to post to our blog about peoples presentations...Right??? Sorry to bombard you with questions. I'm jusr OCD! LOL!-the kicker